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In Finding One's Voice is Massimo Raoul Beckers op zoek naar zijn eigen stemgeluid als componist, muzikant, maker en mens. Wat maakt onze stemmen uniek en hoe zorg je ervoor dat jouw stemgeluid als individu duidelijk te horen valt tussen de grote massa aan stemmen?

Artist statement
Mijn werk betuigt van eigenzinnigheid, humor en een brede muzikale kennis en ervaring.
De eigenzinnigheid van mijn eigen makerschap verder te ontwikkelen en ontdekken.
Geleerd tijdens de studie
Jezelf niet vastbijten in een bepaald gedachtegoed, maar zelf blijven denken, experimenteren en ontdekken.
Overzicht van publicaties / exposities / prijzen / concerten / voorstellingen etc.
FINDING ONE'S VOICE: final exam performance: 1 Juni 19:30 Mariaplaats 27, HKU Utrechts Conservatorium K&W gebouw, room K108.
Writing Without Cheating
It was late 2021 when I decided I needed to change course, at least for once in my Conservatory-life. It was time to abandon piano’s and melodic percussion instruments likewise: writing for those instruments felt like cheating… Could I write beautiful harmonies with for non-chordal instruments as well? Or was I trapped within the ‘easy’ additional-piano- to-every-ensemble style of writing I had hitherto made use of during my Conservatory years? I decided to write for a quartet, limiting myself to four notes at the same time. And so I wrote for alto flute/concert flute, viola, baritone saxophone and the 5-stringed electric bass guitar, four instruments with some of the most beautiful sound colours I knew (I might have been a bit biased). I called the quartet the Galvani Ensemble, and will henceforth more often than not refer to this quartet as such. I wanted to make music that sounded typically me, but then with these instruments. Was it possible?