Als multidisciplinaire kunstenares ga ik door het leven, ik ben gefascineerd en diep geraakt door de kracht van kleur waarbij de nadruk ligt op de ervaring van kleur, energie en beweging. De werken die ik maak zijn tactiel, zacht en vol energie. En het is de bedoeling de toeschouwer te prikkelen om deel te nemen aan het werk.
Ik werk onder de noemer ‘Harmony of Love’ omdat ik in elk werk op zoek ben naar een vorm van balans en harmonie.

Artist statement
Marian Genet is a multidisciplinary artist who is fascinated and deeply touched by the power of color. She makes vibrant tapestries, photographs, paintings and textile works. The emphasis in her work is on color, energy and movement. Focusing on the unique human being, Genet collects stories and experiences of people from all layers of society that give color to their lives and their environment. She translates their stories and every meeting she has had into a color field, collecting these puzzle pieces and carefully combining them together. Like our society, her tapestries are like a puzzles that are never finished and continue to grow.
Welcoming the viewer in an arrangement of positivity, femininity, sensuality and vulnerability, Genet created an environment for playful encounters. She wants to give the world more color with her art, inviting you to sit or lay on the soft, tactile installation with the fitting title Harmony of Love. Because in order to fully experience her work, you will need to participate and surrender yourself to the warm and fuzzy embrace of Genets work.
To colour the world
Geleerd tijdens de studie
Be yourself, even if no one get you!
Overzicht van publicaties / exposities / prijzen / concerten / voorstellingen etc.
RETWEET EXPO, Fuse NDSM, Amsterdam, januari- maart 2022
BOUT IT #3, OSCAM, Amsterdam, 19 maart – 16 juli 2022
Gallery Night, Sexyland, Amsterdam, 7 april 2022
Art Bar Project, Café L’Affiche, Amsterdam, 19 maart – 18 mei 2021
Salon Smith & Soetekouw, Vrij Paleis, Amsterdam, 17-19 september 2021
Feel It De Expo, ADE, Vrij Paleis, Amsterdam, 13-17 oktober 2021
Parasite Paradise, Gallerie Niek Waterblok, Utrecht, 29 januari – 1 februari 2020
Zomer Salon Royaal, CBK Zuid Oost, Amsterdam, 2 juni – 22 augustus 2020
Colors are the world to me! Every color represents a person, a place, an experience, a conversation. A meeting of energies that creates a colorful field. - Marian Genet