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The Mutability of Memories is about the changeability of memories and the process of their decay. The original object is a representation of a moment that is memorable to me. To such moments I apply various reproduction techniques, such as photography, taking prints and traces, ink, paint and 3D installations. The newly created reproduction then becomes the basis for the next reproduction. These reproductions are comparable to the changes memories undergo over time. With each reproduction the image gradually loses the 'looks' of its original. Over time, memories could turn more beautiful due to the loss of detail. The reproduction stands for the mutability of memories as well as their flowering.

Reproduction technic #3
Artist statement
Each person is born with a unique pair of eyes. Within my work I strive to inspire people to pay more attention to the visible, but also invisible details of life. I do this by making my own pair of eyes available to you through the works I produce, as it were a pair of glasses enabling you to smell, feel and taste with your eyes.
Volwaardig kunstenaarschap!
Learned during the studies
Het belangrijkste wat ik heb geleerd op de academie is de mate van bewustwording van je eigen fascinaties. Ook de stap van werkelijk werk maken is iets wat vanzelfsprekend klinkt maar dat zeker niet is!