nature. Water plays a central role in the work of Fokke, it is an element that enables our understanding of
the interconnectedness we have with all living things. Fokke asks herself where her body begins and ends,
when water connects us all, through space and time.
To make the relation between her body and water visible, Fokke creates molds of her own hands and
makes casts out of biomaterial. The biomaterial is made of algae and locally collected water, plants and
pigments. Due to these natural materials, the sculptures can be preserved for a long time under water,
whilst they shrink and decay in open air. Fokke shows that there is beauty in their temporality.
Dripping with water, the installation creates a soundscape. With each drop of water, time ticks by, and
the sculptures move closer to their inevitable decay. When their time has come, Fokke returns the
disintegrated works to nature, where they can dissolve and melt back into the earth.
(text by: Milou Terpstra)

-biomaterial: Agar Agar, glycerine, water (from canal)
-different kinds of locally collected flowers

-biomaterial: Agar Agar, glycerine, water (from canal)
-different kinds of locally collected plants

Ceramic object contains water which is slowly dripping out

-biomaterial: Agar Agar, glycerine, water (from canal)
-different kinds of locally collected soil/sand

Soil and plants from location

Artist statement
In mijn werk reflecteer ik op de relatie tussen ons menselijk lichaam en de natuurlijke wereld. Hiervoor gebruik ik lokaal gevonden natuurlijke materialen en elementen zoals water, zand, planten, schelpen, schimmels etc. Van deze materialen maak ik o.a. kleurstoffen, biomateriaal, papier of ik gebruik het zoals het is. Veel van mijn werk vergaat na verloop van tijd. De schoonheid en ongrijpbaarheid in deze transformatie is een essentieel onderdeel van mijn werk.
In my work I reflect on the relationship between our human body and the natural world. I use locally found natural materials and elements such as water, sand, plants, shells, fungi, etc. From these materials I make pigments, biomaterial, paper or I use it just as it is. A lot of my work decays over time. The beauty and elusiveness in this transformation is an essential part of my work.
Het liefste zou ik telkens op een nieuwe plek willen werken en mij laten inspireren door alles wat daar groeit, bloeit, beweegt, vergaat en een relatie met ons aangaat. Het lijkt mij kostbaar om hierin samen te werken met biologen en ecologen.
I would love to work at a lot of different places in/around nature and get inspired by everything that grows, blooms, moves, decays and interacts with us. I would like to collaborate with biologists and ecologists in these future projects.
Learned during the studies
Ik heb geleerd om op de momenten wanneer mijn rationele denken mij limiteert en voor blokkades zorgt, ik erop vertrouw dat mijn handen verder denken. Het durven de controle los te laten en mijn intuïtie de vrije loop laten gaan.
I learned to trust the knowledge of my hands at the moments my rational thinking got me stuck and lost. Daring to let go of control and let my intuition run free.
List of publications / exhibitions / prices / concerts / shows etc.
2022 All Flourishing is Mutual, Melkweg Expo, Amsterdam, NL
2021 Re|Nature festival, Tramkade, ’s-Hertogenbosch, NL