Zofia "Sofinka" Imiela is a polish pianist, vocalist and composer. In the past few years, she's been conducting research and diving deeper into vocal cultures and traditions of her country, trying to weave elements of her roots into her musical language. The last few months she's been working with musicians in the Netherlands, bringing her musical heritage into something new and exciting.
"I believe the most interesting thing today in arts is synthesis, creative connection. Living in Europe nowadays gives us the beautiful opportunity to combine forms and traditions from very distant sources. I want to share the intensity, the passion, the drive that I feel in my native music with musicians and audience here, give them a piece of mountains and rivers I grew up around."

Artist statement
Over the years, I've developed my own world as an instrumentalist and as a maker. Getting education in classical, historical and jazz music and later on researching my Polish folk roots allowed me to develop a strong musical language yet keep a wide flexibility and versatility when it comes to genres and stages.
I want to establish a network allowing me to participate in projects from very different worlds. Develop in my compositions and musical leadership, so I can work with musicians better than me and create a space in my projects where we can all learn from each other.
Learned during the studies
My studies allowed me to truly blossom, discover what it feels like to be unapologetically myself as a musical leader and how to combine all the different kinds of education I received before to become a better, stronger voiced, versatile pianist.
List of publications / exhibitions / prices / concerts / shows etc.
-11.2018- pianist for Nyre Tiessen for “Nulpunt ” festival
-2019- pianist and arranger for “songs from the Ghetto”
-2019- music to graduation performance of “It’s a rainbow kinda day”
-2019- present- creator, writer, manager, pianist and singer for Soaking Wet Dress
-03.2020- performance during Peaninsula “Home sessions”
-2020- “To Be Honest” – concert of original music in Mleczarnia
-09.2020- 06-2021- section leader for choir in Igor Herder’ hip hop orchestra for “Veertien Stappen naar de Waanzin”
-2016-2021 – private teacher of music theory and ear training
-2021 – internship at Rosa Spier Huis
-2022- Internship with Thomas Power
-06.2021- pianist for Simone Catania for “Uncommon ground” festival
-06.2021 - pianist for Massimo Boeckers for “uncommon ground” festival
-08-2021 -solo performance and an original song premiere at “we found our city” concert
-2021 - pianist at album by James de Jong “0162”
-2021 - present, pianist for Simone Catania “Becoming Human”
-2022 - song (music/vocals) on an album "Za siódmą górą, lasem i rzeką"
-2022 - original song on an album, "Znaleźliśmy miasto/we found our city"
-2022 - release of an EP with band Soaking Wet Dress with original music
- apperances as a musical guest and having my original music played on Radio Ram, ACI Live, strefapiosenki.pl, RDC
- accompanying/supporting pianist for different artists including: Nyre Tiessen, Rowan McIlvride, LOUISE, Sanne Choufoer, Julie Gros, Berend Jak, Erwin Eigenram